How to measure the weight of your hair

1. Kindly take note of the weigh of the hair before placing your order
2. The number of bundles doesn’t determine the weigh/grams of the hair.
3. You’ll need a scale(kitchen or jewelry scale can also be used)
4. Place all the bundles/wig on the scale(see video below)

Factors to consider before purchasing a bob or blunt bob wig unit

1. The Bob style on your wig doesn’t last forever, it’s only synthetic bobs that doesn’t straighten,for human hair bobs, you MUST maintain the bob style with your straightener.
2. Bob or blunt hair that isn’t kept in a straight condition or on a mannequin or wig stand after each use will scatter or bend
3. Bob hair needs to be styled and properly maintained even if it’s new
4. Recommended Accessories for maintenance includes: Straightner, Raw hair serum, wax stick for fly always, hot comb, wig stand etc
5. By the time we you receive your bob/blunt bob wig, it might get flipped out or bent, why does this happen. The reason is this:
Bob/ blunt-bobs are not permanent, they scatter easily especially during transit time and we always take our time to package properly before they are sent, but during transit, the package might be
A. handled roughly
B. Squeezed/pressed with other shipments being sent and might stay that way for 2-5 days or more due to transit time,so definitely your hair might get to you a bit scattered /bent.

It’s just like clothes,if it’s delivered rumpled, it doesn’t mean the cloth is fake or bad, it just needs ironing.
You cannot compare the state of a hair that was packaged and went through transit to a hair that was wigged,styled and modeled immediately.

Essential info to note before buying a bouncy wig

1. No bounce last forever (because hairs doesn’t grow on anyone’s head as bouncy, all bounce are factory made)
2. For maintenance, you’ll need raw hair serum, curling iron and bending rollers
3. Some bouncy wig comes layered or as mixed length(this is to make sure it looks exactly as advertised)
4. After each usage, your bouncy wig should be stored in the satin bag it was delivered in( this is to enable the bounce/curls last longer
5. Super double drawn bouncy hairs holds bounce longer than single or double drawn bouncy hair and hairs with tighter bounce pattern like ragey bouncy, their bounce lasts way longer than bouncy hairs with loose curl pattern like bouncy waves, loose bounce, magic bounce, egg curl..
6. See picture below on how to measure bounce/ wavy hair (not wig) correctly

Guidelines for measuring factory wigs, bundles or customized wig

  1. factory wigs and customized wigs are to be measured from the crown to the tips. See picture below for details
  2. Bundles hasn’t been wigged nor styled , so it should be measured by pulling out a hand-full of strands and measure from the weft to the very last tip. See picture below for details.

Key things to consider before buying a factory made wig/ already sewn wigs

Custom or customized wig- Hair that was advertised and sold as a wig by Rainbow hairs, you did not have to pay wigging for it because it comes as a wig.
Factory wigs- hairs that came straight from the factory as wig,it’s also advertised and sold as wig.

Important Things to know

If you’re buying a hair that comes as wig from us(hairs advertised as a wig), please note that The wig may have been layered, razor trimmed or trimmed,mixed length, cropped or styled so it’ll look exactly as advertised , therefore it has a different measurement procedure, you don’t measure a custom made or factory made wig the way you measure bundles.

Please note that women’s custom and factory wig has two length categories
The hair length and the finished length.

Layered wigs, factory wigs and custom wigs are all measured using different guidelines, because they are all customized to achieve different looks/styles.

NB; Some factory wigs comes slightly longer/shorter, difference is mostly between 0.5”_1.0”

How to measure a factory wig

Factory wigs are measured from the crown (that’s the part after the closure or frontal) of the wig to the tips
A. Lift up your closure or frontal
B. Then Place your tape right after your closure/frontal correctly
C. Let the tape run down to the last tip of your wig, the hair length should be measured by the length from head spin(right after closure) to the longest hair at the bottom (check image below for more detailed explanation)
D. DO NOT PULL OUT A STRAND MEASURE A FACTORY WIG OR trimmed/LAYERED WIG, because they might have shorter or longer layers at different parts of the wig cap, that is how they are customized/engineered, remember that women’s custom and factory wig has two length categories which are the *hair length* and the *finished length*, so pulling out separate strands of the hair or measuring the sides of the wig might not provide an exact length measurement.


How to measure your customized/custom wig correctly(check attached video or picture below for guidance)

A. Lift up your closure or frontal
B. Pull out a large strand of the hair that comes after your closure /frontal
C. Place your tape correctly on it , starting from the root of the hair you pulled out and measure correctly
D. Remember to measure even the last/tiny tips, it’s all part of the hair

Essential info to know before purchasing a wavy hair

1. For maintenance, you’ll need: raw hair serum, curling iron or bending rollers, Natural hair comb
2. See picture below on how to measure correctly

3. Your wavy hair might loose its waves with time, Waves are not permanent, when will brush your hair often, the waves will fall, You can recurl with bending rollers or curling iron.
4. Watch the video tutorial below for detailed instructions on how to recurl your hair.

Essential things to know before purchasing a curly wig

1. Transit time and shipment handling MIGHT(Very rare cases) make your curly hair a bit scattered when received. please note that we sell 100% human hair, just like your natural hair, when you curl /straighten/style your natural hair and you sleep on it(even if you wrap with bonnet), it will still scatter a bit and your hair would still need to be touched up a bit It’s same with the hairs you buy from us, sometimes during shipping, the package might be.
A. handled roughly
B. Squeezed/pressed with other shipments being sent and might stay that way for 2-5 days or more due to transit time,so definitely your hair might get to you a bit scattered.
It’s just like clothes,if it’s delivered rumpled, it doesn’t mean the cloth is fake or bad, it just needs ironing.
You cannot compare the state of a hair that was packaged and went through transit to a hair that was wigged,styled and modeled immediately

If the curls of the hair are slightly rough(not really scattered):

Option one: Mix a scoop of leave in conditioner and add about 3-5 drops of serum into a spray bottle, shake vigorously to mix content evenly, then spray directly onto your wig or spray into your palms and massage into the hair, this will get your curly hair looking lush and shiny for a very long time.

Option two: spray your curly hair serum abundantly, directly onto your wig, then tame it with your palms, this will help smoothen, refresh and revive the squeezed/scattered curls of the wig.

2. Recommended Accessories for maintenance includes: Curly hair serum, Leave in conditioner (Cantù or dark &lovely), Spray bottle, Water, Gentle brush.